
I've been working on the next generation of our game engine to be used for a few upcoming game projects. The core code is normally inside a standard win32 DLL. I've been thinking about the possibility to statically link this into your main exe. After many GPFs, AVs, blue screens and system reboots, I think I got something working. So, now you just include QuantumEngine.pas in your uses section and everything gets linked in nice and neat.

One problem I just discovered this morning (and hopefully fixed) was an issue with DirectInput. I would like to get a little feedback and see if anyone else has any issues. This would help me out a great deal and thanks in advance.

  • [+]Download.
    [+]There is a qetestbed.exe you can run right away
    [+]There is a qetestbed.dpr you can use to compile the qetestbed project
    [+]It should all just work

[+]I should be able to get it working in FreePascal/Lazarus as well.