Just ran across this thing called DropBox, interesting concept. Integrates with the OS and gives you storage of your files that are then backed up to their servers. You can give out public URL's to those files if you want, and can get to the files from any system with DropBox installed on it.

As developers it seems we are always posting up things to our sites, public share sites, yadda yadda yadda... This seems a nice solution till you have something ready to go and it doesn't clutter up your space . Seems you can also work directly from the DB folder so its like live backups

Download from: https://www.getdropbox.com/referrals/NTE4MDE0Mzk5 - Yes, its a refferal link so I get credit toward more free space If you don't want to give me credit, then just use http://www.getdropbox.com/

- Jeremy