There was a Ludum Dare competition last weekend. The theme was caverns and I had the ambitious plan to develop a turn-based strategy game. I submitted an entry but it was really buggy so I took some time, fixed critical bugs and some inconsistencies and it is quite playable now.

Cavern Defense is a turn-based strategy/tactics game for two players. One player controls the orcs, the other the humans and each players has an archer, a pikeman and a swordsman. The goal is to kill all units of the other player.

Download links:
Windows (6,2 MB)
Linux (4,8 MB)
Mac OS X (12 MB; Universal Binary)
Source (132 kB)

If you want to compile the source, you also have to download one the binary releases and combine those two because the resources folder is not included in the source zip file.

You need a mouse to play the game.

Left-click on a unit to select.
The brighter area is where this unit can move in this turn,
the darker where it cannot.

The red rectangle show how far your selected unit can attack.
Attacking only works if your target is within the red rectangle.

Linux notes:
To be able to run the Linux binary you need to have libSDL, libSDL_image, libSDL_ttf, libSDL_gfx and libSDL_mixer
installed on your system.

Development time: about 6 days
Lines of code: about 2200 lines