I usually try to put a face to this event and show the people that work hard to make it the spectacle that it is. Now there is no grand hall with a big screen or a single physical gathering point which everyone comes to meet, BUT there is this site and the community which puts a lot into it from year to year. At the end of each competition this holds true; We end up with some creative and fun games to play and we get to show off what we can do with these tools we use.

Now that I've motivated you all. I'd like to get as many photos of you guys working at your machines, behind your pads and small sticky notes to be displayed in the next issue of Pascal Gamer which will have a large feature on the PGD Annual Game Developer's Competition. Any and all contributions will be appreciated as it will make the next issue all the more nicer to read. Let our readers see what the PGD Annual is about and show them what an awesome event it is to partake in.

You can send your photos via email to jkamcmillen@hotmail.com Thanks!!!