I've only just started in SDL and am working off the standard SDL untis supplied with FPC 2.2.4. Anyway, as a starter I made a few pointless apps that worked and wrote myself a few management procedures and shortcuts which made my life a whole lot easier.

Anyway, as the first decent sized project I was thinking of making a 2d tile based RPG along the lines of Pokemon. Now, that may seem childish and pointless but I found it had just about everyhting I thought an RPG should have and would be easily customisable once built to make an entirely new game.

I got as far as getting a person to walk on a map and being able to load and play map-specific music without a hitch. The only problem I have is not to do with the code directly, but instead its to do with: where do I start? Does anyone out there have any idea on how to make an efficient storyline and interaction framework/system? I've been trying all week to no avail and it's been driving me up the wall.

Any help would be much appreciated.