Hello ladies and gents. The past few months we've been working on a few things that include:

  • Brand new website. I went with the more traditional corp colors of blue and white this time. The site include integrated blog, forums, e-commerce and more.
  • We're now on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.
  • There is new build of Quantum Engine. Starting with this build we're only supporting Delphi 2009 and higher and based around using run-time packages.
  • A new Quantum Engine based project in the works by SA Software.
  • A new commercial project is being developed with QE by a developer that I can not talk about just yet (under NDA)
  • We will be working on our own product Quantum Chaos as well.

Lots of great stuff lined up for 2010 and I'm very excited. I hope everyone here is doing well and as always I wish you success in your development efforts.