Sorry about the openal error. My fault again ops:

I've put a copy of openal32.dll here and it's in the main zip file now too.

dUmAsS: I'm limiting the fps so that I can use more cpu time on the physics updates. Can you tell me how you've implemented suspension, steering etc. My car has 11 bodies and 10 joints, an F1 car must be pretty difficult to simulate :?:

It is easy to flip the car but the only way I've managed to make it stable is to make the centre of gravity impossibly low (so far below the car it's under the ground!) and this, unsurprisingly, gives you the effect of a weight 'swinging' from the car. It keeps the car upright but I've gone to the trouble of simulating real physics, I'd rather not make it artificially less realistic. If you change the suspension height/power and the ground friction levels you get different car handling. Like in the real world, if a car keeps falling over you make a better car, you don't have the option of changing the laws of physics

Thanks to everyone for testing, the frame rate shouldn't affect the physics quite so much now as I'm using a larger timestep.