Hi, i just tryed your game..
Well i must say it is really really good! It is small but every thing, from the menu to the sound and sprite is great! I especially liked it's being fast and responsitive, with screen fading out smoothly, perfect sound mixing etc etc..
When you die and that skull comes laughting it is too cool

And of course the game is very funny I've been playing it a lot and manage to get about 1 million point.. not enought for the chart

I've got a pair of questions:
1) Will you release the sources of the game or the engine ones ? It really kick asses, it's fast even with hundreds of monsters, shoots, fog etc etc.. really a good engine!

2) Never thought about making a port to linux or better a cross platform version of the engine? I could eventually help you out with this if you want. Having a cross platform engine of such a quality, will be a true show of power of Delphi (and your ) and of course a great advantage for Linux users.

Well i must admit that when i first saw that you were making a game long time ago, i thouht "here it is another project that will die in two weeks and never see the light". I'm very pleased that instead you've made such a good game!

If you need for the future, i could help you, especially for internet support (ie multiplayer and so) and for linux support (as much as i know )