I have found two issues with FPC and FreeTypes' docs: FPC's docs seem to work but don't really give much information about how to do squat else (http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/fcl-image near the bottom) and FreeType's documentation is written in C (this is OK, I can read C/C++ fine thank god ) but does not work with the fcl-image FreeType header since it would seem they are different versions. This is clear from line 1 where you cannot initialize FreeType (http://www.freetype.org/freetype2/do...ial/step1.html).

Their other tutorials use an 'OGLFT' which is not supplied by default with FPC and is a little restrictive so is not really what I would like to use. So all in all, does anyone have some more or less functional/up to date code that does the following:

Load a TTF file into a variable of some kind
Render strings in specified colours of that font to an OpenGl Texture or similar? C/C++ and other mainstream languages are fine and I'll post my pascal equivalent once I'm done. Frankly, if this loads/draws TTF text nicely faster than sdl_ttf (hard not to I shoudl think) I'd be happy...

Oh, and I am aware that PGD is slow as sh.. at the moment so I'm not expecting many/any replies until the hosting company figure this one out...