Hi guys!
How can I run some code just after form has been Maximized or Restored?
I have a program wich uses Andora2D for drawing some graphics on one of the panels in my program. The panel changes it size acouring to size of the form itself. So to avoid Andora2D streching graphics by panel size changing I need to call AdDraw.Restore.
Now using forms OnResize event doesn't comes into option becouse it causes rapid cals to AdDraw.Restore when user is resizing form by draging form border. This causes a lot off lag and creates my whole application unstable.
Currently for resizing and moving form I use
WMExitSizeMove(var Message: TMessage); message WM_EXITSIZEMOVE
to handle WM_EXITSIZEMOVE wich is fired just after the moving or resizing has been compleeted. But this message isn't fired when the form has been resized by Maximizing or Restoring it.
I found this article: http://delphi.about.com/cs/adptips19...ltip0999_4.htm wich describes of how to handle Maximizing or Restoring forms, but it fires before any resizing is done so it isn't useful for me.