Hi all,
I have got another update of The Probe uploaded to my dropbox folder

I apologize for the much larger size of the download, it now has in-game music (woo hoo!...thanks Safrosoft!), and I can't yet play compressed audio formats in my engine...this is on my TODO list!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1805932/TheP...12.01.05%29.7z (14.6MB, 7-zip file)

Here is the change log:
Version: 2012.01.05
* Change - Added control and audio configuration menus & dialogs. This includes hearing music & sfx when adjusting their respective volumes.
* Change - Default game movement controls are now the cursor keys due to high demand.
* Change - Added in-game music (woo hoo!).
* Change - Configuration is saved to /loaded from .ini file in game folder.
* Change - Updated "The Probe_Help.pdf" to reflect latest game changes like controls.
* Change - Added sound effects for TLS charging (10% - 90% in steps of 10%).
* Fix - Fixed bug where lives not set to default amount when doing new game.
* Fix - Fixed bug where level updates before doors open and not in game mode.
* TODO - Allow reading of compressed audio files to reduce game executable size. There is too much bloating right now due to the uncompressed music size.
