I had a load of trouble with Kylix with my latest SuSE, More trouble than I care to deal with so I've dumped it's Wine Driven bloatedness and installed Lazarus along with Free Pascal.

The IDE is very nice, Very Delphi like. I managed to find my way around without any problems. Setting up my projects seems the same as Delphi. So no probs there.

The only problem I'm having is when I try to compile.

I have a TStringlist and I'm using the GetCount() function to determine the nuber of items.

Trouble is when I say if GetCount() > 0 , it gives an error "Incompatible types: got "TStringList.GetCount:LongInt" expected "LongInt"

This is obviously a newbie problem, can anyone give me a clue so I can fix this?

This code compiled fine under Kylix on my old Linux partition.
