Thanks Cairnswm The time-monster gets us all at some point, these days I'm unemployed so I got some time on my hands (Quite nice actually)

I've run into the same issues you have with the articles as you have and some of them has been mentioned to WILL occasionally :twisted:

Many of these would have been solved with an Article/Article Feedback forum because there you can communicate about the articles, suggest new articles, post about new articles and things like that

I know WILL has something on his list, and I'm sure he'll drop in and say what when he gets some time. That dude is also abit busy

In the meantime we'll have to make some fuzz doing posts like this, and maybe start putting it in the news when there is a new article around.

For what to write, I guess we'll just have to write what we want to write about until someone has some better ideas. Hopefully there will come some ideas on the other post I made And if there are no ideas, I guess people don't need articles? :twisted:

For what technologies to cover, I think we should cover those who are most active on our site. The smaller ones have been suggested removed and I don't know when or if that will happen. Some of them seem to want the people to go to their own forums anyways, so I guess they have their own articles/tutorials?

So, we're in the end on the same page about the status and I'll be playing mindtricks with WILL each time I see him on IRC to get something done (And I'm sure he'll do the same with me)

I know someone has read your articles though The Proof-reader
(Oh joy, my first Proof-reader-joke, and probably not my last)

We'll get something cooking here, keep up the good work with your series Cairnswm