kontai i use my jni functions from freepscal is the same the problem and i don't see my exported functions from delphixe5 i use idaq to decompile .so libs and look the import/export functions
and the big problem from sdl is that you don't have access to Java i think.
jni is global system form compilers like delphi/c++ create native code to java jni is just the headers to communicate java/native on android or windows .

procedure Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_onNativeAccel(
env:JNIEnv; cls:jclass;
x:jfloat;y:jfloat; z:jfloat);stdcall;""

org.libsdl.app is the package name
onNativeAccel the name of the function imported from java exported from delphi
SDLActivity is the name of the activity

now on java
public static native void nativeInit();/declare function

class SDLMain implements Runnable {
public void run() {
// Runs SDL_main()

Log.v("SDL", "SDL thread terminated");
