er, yes I understand what type of game {MSX} is making. I have played many squad based games.

I'm just throwing around some ideas for originality, instead of another X-Com.

I prefer games that have user made maps instead of boring randomly generated maps.

small maps: this means that the maps are small enought to start the "core" of the battle in one or two turns. No "fog of war" here.
Remember we are doing a turn based multiplayer game, where one player at turn sits without doing anything but waiting. We should avoid dead times. If they must wait for 10 turn to reach the other, with its movements covered by fog of war, they'll fall asleep. Also, i would keep the number of units in games small, maybe about five for player (this will be decided by players anyway).
I'm just reinforcing some of {MSX}'s ideas.

Going by some of the posts it sounded like people wanted a hint of RPG to the game. Mabye similar to fallout. But kept simple with a 2d interface, with battles in 3d.

Here some ideas I have for working with characters:

- You click to go to a 'Character Managment' screen, select one of your characters and equip, heal, etc, and prepare all your characters.
- You exit that screen and click on a 'guild' and select a character to be trained at the guild for a few days (this would cost money), and that character would be unavailable for use for half an hour or so (server time). The guild will train and raise that characters level a little bit, having a max level that the guild will train to. (training is automatic you don't actually see anything, and can only train one character at a time) You click on the giuld later to pick up your character.
- You challenge another player to a fight, either by a search option for players with lower level characters, or by choosing from a list of all active players. You select a map and a total character points, etc. Then you goto the actuall 3d map, and select from a list of your characters to deploy on the map. Once both players have deployed, the battle starts.
And it also sounds like the game won't entirely be nothing but fighting other players, so that was some ideas about outside of the actual fighting.