Hi savage,

thank you very much for this positive reply.

I was thinking about ALL of your points before, so it's good to know that I am not alone with this :lol:
The steering of the character was only implemented while programming without taking care of playability. I would have redesigned it anyway.

The independence of body and legs is a very important thing I was thinking about 2 weeks ago. This would make gameplay more thrilling and smooth the motion of the game. At the moment the character has to stop when firing. But because of lack of time I let it this way for the compo, but was thinking about changing it later on. I already started doing some character animations for only the legs and only the body. Looks quite nice in a first test when laying them above each other.

The only thing I unfortunately will not be able to do is porting it to Linux. I use Asphyre for the hardware-acceleration and since this is only available for DirectX I am stuck with this.

Your machine specs are the ones you posted in the judges specs?
This is a really important point for me to know, because I don't want to make a game which only runs on high-end-machines.

I look forward to seeing it progress and evenually getting a commercial release
Oh, you are very optimistic :lol:
Thanks for your trust
