Quote Originally Posted by cragwolf
I will probably start work on my GUI next week when I get a few days off.
You probably want to write you own, but keep in mind that JEDI-SDL has an excellent GUI already written for it by Igor - http://sdlcontrols.sourceforge.net/ and screen shots available @ http://sdlcontrols.sourceforge.net/scrshot.htm and he even has a form designer.

Quote Originally Posted by Malver
Not quite sure what you mean by background tinting?
I think what WILL means is like a fade out effect when a dialog needs the user's full attention. So the game would pause and fade out, while the dialog has focus, then once the user deals with the dialog, it would return the game back to it's normal colour.
When I worked on Hero X, as we didn't want to do anything overly fancy/CPU intensive, what I decided to do was to use a colour keyed pattern to get the faded out effect. I would pause the game, blit the pattern across the width and height of the screen and then display the dialog or options screen. When the user presses escape, the game is un -paused and the natural game loop takes care of drawing the screen the way it should look.

Anyway, just my 2 QBert's worth.