The reality is that C/C++ is the defacto standard within the game industry, particularly because it make porting of games from PC to console easier.

I cannot speak for everyone on these forums, but I see us as the Rebels against the Empire, to use a Star Wars metaphor.

I have an unrequainted love relationship with Pascal, even though I know that the odds are stacked against it. But I like the underdog and participate in sites like this, and work on projects like JEDI-SDL, Siege of Avalon or port DirectX examples for Delphi, main because I believe that the status quo must ALWAYS be challenged.

So to that end I use Delphi and more and more I have started using FreePascal at home ( at work I am being forced to move to C# ), who's cross-platform capabilities are beginning to rival even C/C++ and thus makes an ideal game development tool if you plan to target Linux, MacOS or even MorphOS. Also due to it's Open Source nature, it could be ported to any consoles as well, if someone had the time to investigate this possiblity.

The downside of using Delphi or any flavour of Pascal, is the fact that headers need to be converted/ported. But to me that is a small price to pay for using the language that, overall, allows me to be more productive than any C/C++ developer. There are plenty of talented Delphi/Pascal game developers in these forums and out there, though most are working on their own projects.

Since you have made the switch to OpenGL, it would seem that you are at least thinking about cross-platform possibilities. If you plan on sticking to Pascal, I would suggest looking at more cross-platform compilers than Delphi and also other windowing/input libraries.