Version 0-03 - Converted to OpenGL and Added a Cursor

Converted all graphics routines to OpenGL - this was a bit of a nightmare but in the end I got everything converted. Images were modified (thus included again).

The minimap had to be a factor of 2 so the map size has been downgraded from 100x100 to 64x64 but its still quite big enough.

Added a Nice sword as a mouse cursor.

Download the game so far from
Download the source from

The source will need the EXE images to be able to run.

There are in fact very very minor changes in the way the program was written from 0-02 to 0-03 and the OpenGL calls. In fact only the code for the mini map and the removal of a predrawn background (I draw each tile now) were required - all other changes were done in my Images unit (S2DLImage for those looking at the code).

My thanks to Savage and MSX for thier help over the last few days.