[quote="Firlefanz"]Hi savage, if you are interested I can pm you a ]
Wow, totally missed that post. Sure pm me the link.
Hi savage,
latest beta ran out, too old.
New beta next week, I'll pm a link then![]()
re: border problem
the player model has been antialiased while rendering to a black background, you need to either render the image to an alpha channel or do away with the external anti-aliasing (which would require pixel pushing to touch up the sprites)
Hello lief,
thanks for the advice, but the omega headers have some problems with alpha channels in PNG files, so I need to remove those pixels, but that is no problem, I'll write a batch procedure to remove them!
good idea for batch program, i wrote one in the past for delphix which generated single pixel outlines around sprites.
the pixelpushing i was referring to is a 2d spriting technique to create the effect of an outline (zen outlining - there IS no outline) and to enhance the edge of a sprite. It was referred to on the pixelation forums as 'Selout' and if you do a search for that in conjunction with 'pixel art' or 'sprites' you may get a hit.
It uses darker colors in gradient fashion towards the end of a pixel-line before it transitions to next row of pixels in a curve... hard to describe but it works well. It seems to have been pioneered mainly by capcom sprite artists and the earliest examples I have seen are in Street Fighter sprites. I can post some examples from my own work if anyone is curious.
with the 3d render technique you are using it may be nigh impossible however. it is useful knowledge for anyone wishing to draw 2d sprites by hand however.
Hello lief,
I am using the Omageheaders for DX9.
They come with their own imagelisteditr (I wrote myself).
I will there add a function to remove all 'dark' pixels that are nearly black for all images in the imagelist and voila.
nearly... you have to remove all dark pixels that have a <$FF alpha value otherwise darkpixels inside the sprites would be removed.
you might find you could write something to do an alpha edge bleed, with a real-time preview so you could adjust the bleed amount and strength, this would spread the alpha back over the adjacent pixels by a certain strength and falloff, probably give a better effect and keep anti-aliasing, rather than just removing pixels.
It appears you've made some great progress since last time! Nice!![]()
btw, have you fixed the memory bug yet?
Hello Traveler,
thank you!
Memory bug?
Two problems with memory:
1) Some error after quitting the beta, not all objects could be free'd again, this one is fixed, haven't seen it for a while, only when quitting the game from outisde
2) the beta is using huge memory amount, this is still there, but I am not sure if I can fix it, the only way would be to use DDS I guess, but this is not supported by Omega, the problem is we have lots and lots grafics.