[size=24px]GROWL!!! [/size]

Hello Guys, it's been ages hasn't it?!? However I must say it just feels like yesterday that I posted here daily! hehe

My secret project... hmmm... well I have been very busy with the security and the wars fought on Azeroth! Okay for those who have no clue what I'm talking about now... I play World of Warcraft which absorbs a lot of my time lately... however I'm slowly starting to think, brainstorm and even try to work on some projects again so it's heading into the right direction again!

Some of you know I talked about it for ages, but I finally went around and did it! I signed up for an IT study and so I'm officially a student again! I'll start somewhere in August!

For the rest there is nothing much to report... I'm still alive and kicking!

P.S. It's nice to know ppl missed me on the forums! I'll try to visit more often again!

P.P.S. Hows everyone from PGD doing ?