Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
but what if this person *was* a suicide bomber
Police need to do their duty. By the sounds of it they did the right thing.
I disagree for the following reasons.
I agree that the police need to do their duty, but it needs to be within the criminal justice system's guide lines. As if there are not enough innocent people dieing around the world, now we give the police a carte blanche to shoot anyone they suspect of being a terrorist. They do not need PROOF. They can just kill you and me and then say sorry when they get it wrong.

This is not acceptable. By giving the police a carte blanche to do what ever they like, we have changed our way of life by foregoing our civil liberties. And that basically means the real terrorist have WON!!! Read that again, the terrorist have WON because we have changed our way of life.

Also, they had the guy in custody. 2 officers held him down and another officer shot him in the head then shot him 4 more times. Also at the moment all we have is the police's word that they made their precence known. I would like to hear from other independent witness to see if this corroburate the police's story. It would not be the first time that the police have lied/bent the truth to cover their wrong doing.

If you have not read 1984 recently, I suggest you re-read it and see exactly how small changes, over a period of time basis, errode the very ideals our forefathers fought to uphold! As long as the root causes are not identified and dealt with, namely the US and it's allies occupation of Iraq and the the Middle East, then we can expect more suicide bombers and therefore more civil liberties will be curtailed in the name of our so called "way of life".