Microsoft. If the vendor connects to OpenGL via ICD aeroglass switch back. Like you notice, it won't be technically impossible to realize. In fact in would be pretty easy, however it seems like they simply don't want to use it. Of course, you might no also say... ignore aeroglass who wants to use a desktop system eating lots of RAM and CPU? Yes, if course, but imagine what happens, when MS is saying: Non aeroglass envroiment is not DRM compatible (in fact OpenGL driver would be a weak point...), "user, you cannot play your DVD anymore because video industry would kick our butt."
Just keep you up to date... as long as there is no public beta it will be hard to check out everything, but I guess we have to take this serious and every opengl developer should protest at microsoft against this plan, speaking trust to their hardware vendors to stand against this idea and inform about it. ARB is taking this highly serious and they won't afford a simple "MS bashing"...
Also look at at the post of eskil. I cannot confirm that he is really a ARB member, but what he wrotes is possibly better than mine and already confirmed at several sources.