So the latest leaked information from the police investigators is that the brazilian guy was NOT confronted by the police, he did NOT jump the barriers, he did run onto the train, but was NOT being chased by the police.

CCTV footage and eyewitness accounts cited by ITV News showed the Brazilian was NOT wearing a padded jacket and walked calmly through the underground station barriers - contrary to initial reports that he was running and had a bulky jacket that could have concealed a bomb.
Firearms officers had been given clearance to kill Mr de Menezes but, as they sped towards the underground railway station, he apparently seemed completely unaware that he was being tailed, ITV News said.
He was subsequently wrongly identified and was physicaly held/restrainted by a surveillance officer, before the police officers turned up and decided to shoot him 8 times.

Basically the police, as always, lied to cover their arses.

More info @,00.html

Thank-you Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair for reducing terrorism and ensuring that everyone's way of life has not changed. Well done!