Quote Originally Posted by Eriken
Beaver Dealer? Must... Resist...Urge......Post...Must...Be..."Child-Friendly"..
How kind of you to think of me ops:

Got your closet full of Mooses there Will ? If a Goose turns to Geese in company.. Why doesn't a Moose turn to Meese? :twisted:
You need a male and a female Moose, then you will get little Meese, one Moose on its own will never turn to Meese but it will have fun trying :shock:

It's something to do with Mongooses I think and did you know that Cheese is actually made of millions of tiny food particles each of which is a Choose. Oh yes, it's science fact.

BTW have you seen the video of me testing the new SkyCar? It does 28mpg you know but the landing was a bit tricky, nearly took a wheel off I can tell you Mrs Bluecat was having kittens......