I really think your forum hierarchy is very confusing, especially for first-timers.

Please... lets be serious! This site is called Pascal-Game-Development.
You develop Sound and Music in Pascal? Prolly not

The entire Graphics section is off-topic, Design section is too, in a way.

Help me section is very related to Programming - General and to a bunch of other sections in Programming.

Now, Design - (Technical, Creative) section and Programming - Design ... err... isn't my programming design very creative? (just trying to make a point)

If I would want to post a specific question on PGD, it would be really difficult choosing the required category. I think you guys should seriously reconsider the current forum structure

Also, to illustrate my point, consider this (there're all jokes btw):

1) Why not adding "Microsoft Visual Studio" forum? It's not related, but well... Sound and Music isn't either
2) Your Projects should be divided in "Your Projects made in Pascal" and "Your Projects not made in Pascal".
3) Network Programming should be divided in "TCP/IP", "UDP", "HTTP", "SMTP", "Direct-Play", "Help me with this buggy network code" and "Network Design".
4) Graphics section should also contain forum for Point-Based Modelling, Geometry Images and Fractals
5) Add PHP, HTML and JavaScript categories! A good Pascal programmer would need a web page to publish his work, right?
6) GNU Pascal forum is a must! How come you didn't include it before?
7) New forum for PalmOS Pascal Compiler. If there is Free Pascal, then why not PPC?
8 ) Where is X86 Assembly + SIMD extensions forum? You can include inline assembly in pascal, so why there's no such forum?
9) "Completely lost" and "Don't bother to answer" forums should be added to Community section. After all, you wanted more categories

Just some thoughts after playing with ProjectALA (read about it in Off-topic section) for several hours... so don't bother reading this :shock: