Quote Originally Posted by balog
Did you report the bugs you found in Omega to the Delphi Sanctuary forum?

The Omega components are very new. They have a lot of potential. In terms of speed, they blow DelphiX away, and features are being added to them all the time.

just my opinion
Well said Balog!

Other ways to get a more personal response:

1: Send a private message to (DGDev member) Bobby who runs the Omega project

2: Post in our 'Project Omega' forum moderated by Bobby himself

3: Wait for Bobby to read this thread and see how he responds :lol:

And you might get more help than you would with DelphiX.

Seriously though, the most recent release of the Omega components is excellent with no major bugs.

BTW Don't take the above the wrong way, I'm just trying to be a helpful old Cat