Phew! Finally.... I got the thing finished. I put up a new build. See link in first post. As been stated, the problem with the original CSFML c bindings was that they returned direct c struct from a lot of the routines. The problem with Delphi for example is that it can not handle struct returned as function results from languages like c. It will simply ignore them. As a result, I had to make a special version that would play nice with Delphi and other similar languages.

At the moment, the psfml dll is for win32 and psfml.pas has been tested with Delphi only. I made this for use in a project that I am working so at the moment it suites my needs. If others are interested maybe we can work together and get it tested with say FPC. I want to also get the dll built for Linux and MacOS. So I welcome the help and feedback. I think I got all of the routine fixed up, but I may have missed some. Look for any routine that has a struct param or return one. All structs should be passed/received as a pointer.
