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Thread: New Get Lazarus Initiative

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  1. #10
    My name is Anthony Walter. I'm the owner of, as well as the creator of I say this because I am not trying to hide. Just do a WHOIS on my domains. I've been running ad free software sites for more than fifteen years. All I've done is offer my projects to others for free. More than ten years ago I offered a great package of components on my blog:

    There zero ads on or asking for money on anything I've created on that site, and I never felt like I've taken undo credit or tried to steal from anyone, only give to people. Next on to Bare Game, it has been out for two years now and in that time I've never asked for a thing. The site has remained ad free, and all my sources have been hosted free and open. I'm not received much appreciation for it, but it doesn't bother me, as long as people are able to make use of what I've created. And now there is, where care was taken to be free and open as well. Everything I've done is and has been on github, including my modifications in changes.diff. When you install my bundles, you get everything I have made. Heck even the windows installed script is online. I link to the github project page on my site.

    Even my website engine, which I wrote myself, is open and free on github .It's been free there for about a month now:

    Regarding the anchor docking comment on reddit you references, I said I "add in THE anchor docking layout", not MY. As in, my scripts/bundles make anchor docking THE default mode, as opposed to how Lazarus usually ships, which is multiple window mode. I didn't think people would take "THE anchor docking layout" to mean I am claiming to have created it.

    Regarding the other domain,, I'm not affiliated with it. I saw it existed before I purchased last Saturday and didn't think it would be a big deal if someone other than me owned the .com TLD

    Regarding the forums and spam, I've changed the default captcha to Q&A, removed up the spammers accounts, and deleted their posts. Mistakes happen, please foregive me.

    Regarding the usage of "US" or "WE" when describing, it's meant to infer a community initiative, rather than one person saying it's about ME, when it's not.

    I said to an interview with a online Pascal magazine earlier today:

    "I bought my first Mac in late 2013 just to complete the cross platform bridge. In the end, it's really all to much for one person (me) to handle, between my normal real life responsibilities, work, and my side projects (I'm no spring chicken). My hope in creating the get Lazarus initiative was to re-invigorate the Lazarus community, find some people in the community to mentor, and hand off these projects for them to maintain, rather than let everything I've privately worked on in the past fade away benefiting no one."

    I hope this clear things up.

    Edit: And about the legalese on my site, all we are saying is there are NO warranties, and don't try to hold us accountable if anything goes wrong. It's standard stuff.
    Last edited by sysrpl; 05-02-2015 at 02:20 AM.


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