How come it is possible that I can compile and run this?Code:interface type TForm2 = class(TForm) procedure Shaders(var aShaderProgram: glUInt); ... implementation procedure TForm2.Shaders;
How come it is possible that I can compile and run this?Code:interface type TForm2 = class(TForm) procedure Shaders(var aShaderProgram: glUInt); ... implementation procedure TForm2.Shaders;
Afaik, tp, delphi and fpc in delphi mode allow to not have to specify the parameters again in the implementation section. That is, if there is only one method of that name. If you have multiple overloaded methods of the same name then it won't compile.
Existence is pain
I never knew that!
I also didn't knew that and I have been using Delphi for over 10 years now.