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Thread: Selecting vs. gluUnProject for getting poly/vertex

  1. #1

    Selecting vs. gluUnProject for getting poly/vertex

    I was wondering if there is another (fast) way of knowing on wich tile of a terrain i click with the mouse.
    The problem is this, i have a Heightmap file from a game wich is let's say 200x150 i convert it to vertices and it shows fine in GL only i need to move/rotate it around, after all those operations i will have to calculate the original heightmap coordinate, i did manage to do this by using selection in GL but it's too slow on a 500 MHZ machine with an MX440 card, selection requires drawing one frame in selection mode and i have to assign some names(numbers) to every tile wich takes time and selection is not fast enough. I tried gluUnProject(wich is verry fast) but it gives me wrong coordinates, do you know how to obtain at least the initial tile coordinates i pass to GL ? I can calculate the exact tile in the heightmap.
    You may wonder why do i need this, well it's for a terrain editor wich i made some time ago but it's too slow and working with it would be quite annoying, gluUnProject would be nice but it gives me the current coordinate and i need to know the exact tile/vertex i'm clicking on to be able to modify the terrain.
    It would also be nice if i could know wich tile without drawing all tiles if the camera is not verry close and the user probably doesn't need exact coordinate.
    The future must be... Fast and OpenSource so...
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  2. #2

    Selecting vs. gluUnProject for getting poly/vertex

    Trace a ray from eye to mouse position and check collisions with planes created for all vertices in a way that a vertex is on the plane and the plane is perpendicular to eye position.

    [pascal] Quadrance:= Infinity;
    Normal:= normalize(Ray.Origin - Vertex.Pos);
    a:= dot(Ray.dir, Normal);
    if (a < 0) then
    Dist:= Length(Ray.Origin - Vertex.Pos);
    t:= ( -dot(Ray.origin, Normal) + Dist) / a;
    PlaneHit:= Ray.Origin + Ray.Direction * t;
    Quadrance:= DistanceSquared(Vertex.Pos, PlaneHit);

    The vertex whose position is closest to its plane hit point will be the one you want. You might also check for smallest t if that distance is similar among a couple of vertices, so the closest one to the viewer gats selected. Use gluUnProject twice with winz 1 and 0 and subract to get rays direction.


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