About the thinking up of the critters
I want to create a simple demo version first.
Like I said I'm no graphics artist.
When The demo is finished I want to go to some random pokemon forums and ask for graphical help there, but that's in the future.

That also is a plan which might be added in the long run. It's not on my mind yet.

Small screen size
I want to give the game the gameboy feel. This explains the low res. Of course I will add a fullscreen option later.

The map in this demo is extremely uneven. The actual game map will be as uneven as the real pokemon game, which is mostly flat. This means you will hardly ever see the jump in action.
I've been thinking of making the jumping ability something you have to quest for, which means you can't jump at the start of the game, but in a certain part of the game, you have to go up some stairs to get further. You can't go up unless you have the jump ability for which you have to defeat a certain player or so.

The only days I work on this are monday, tuesday and wednesday (because I have a pc with internet then)
At the moment I've been able to add a NPC to the game. You can talk to him, that's all. I've also changed the map to non-random, so you can get a better view of what the game will look like.

Reiner's spriteset converter
Because the spriteengine of Jedi-SDL works with sprites from a single file, I've created a simple program which takes all of the walking sprites in certain directions and places it in a single BMP. This program adds the ability to make up to 2 colors pink. I use that to remove the shadow and create a transparent background. The source is not built up efficiently, but it works.
Should you be interested, I'll put the source online, but this program is merely functional, so not simple to handle or good looking


I've added a new screenshot and the updated demo.


>>FIXED<< The zip file was damaged, attempt to re-upload tonight or monday.

I had an idea which I illustrated on my first post. It is hard to explain without a picture, so here we go.

Imagine the 2 characters being critters. They each have their own 3x3 platform. The 2 platforms are connected by a single plot of land.
I want to change the battle system. If one of the critters does a tackle attack, you can actually see the critter heading towards the other one.
The terrain allows a dodge ability too. A critter can jump into one of the 8 directions in an attempt to dodge the attack.

To be honest the pokemon gameplay is great, but the battle system looks kind of simple. This has been improved on later editions (the 3d ones).
I want to improve on the gameboy version. When a pokemon flies here, I really want it to fly. When a pokemon is poisoned, I actually want to add a little poison cloud as a transparent sprite.

The difference in battle system makes it hard to implement some attacks, so I won't implement them (constrict, wrap, or anything which results in a sprite merge).

(I gotta cut down on the post length)