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Thread: News

  1. #111
    Не за что. Главное чтоб полезно было людям.

    В соседнем топике основная часть расписана, была давно.

    Google translate:
    My pleasure. The main thing is that it is useful to people.

    In the next topic the main part is described, it was a long time ago.

  2. #112
    Hi all!

    A new version of ZenGL 0.4.12 has been released.

    Major changes:
    - now ViewPort works for the entire created window. When adjusting the image, it is adjusted by means of OpenGL.
    - the problem of working with two or more monitors in Linux has been fixed.
    - demos for FreePascal and Lazarus have been combined into one folder.
    - the 7th and 12th demos have been reworked. Now they contain additional functionality of ZenGL.
    - full screen detection functionality (java code) has been added to Android projects. This is more necessary for later versions of Android.
    - video bug in Android has been fixed (when trying to restore the application).
    - Android projects have been divided into Windows and Unix (win and unix - respectively). Quick build files for Windows have been added - "build_android.bat".
    - work with sprites and certain primitives now occurs from a specified rectangle (zglPRect2D / zglTRecr2D).

    and many changes as a result of the listed changes and code adjustments. All changes are in the Update_ZenGL.txt file.

    This version is not tested only on MacOS. Well, there was a lot to edit, although the changes are just a little more than a drop. )))

    Be more careful with sprites and primitives now! This change forces more initialization, but reduces the work itself with sprites and primitives in the code (less data needs to be transferred). And transfer data correctly! Somewhere you need to pass a pointer, and somewhere the data itself.

    But you can brag. The virtual keyboard worked with minimal edits. This is what ready-made working code means. ))) It's a pity that you still have to shovel it almost completely.

    Later I will post an example of how to build projects for Android and how to create your own projects for Android in the simplest way at the moment. I tried to describe a lot in the accompanying files ReadMe.txt.
    Over time, I'll finish everything as it should be and add normal project creation, where you won't have to suffer with minor problems, but it won't be anytime soon.

    I recorded a video where I go through assembling projects for Android, how to create your own project for Android (at the moment) and how to solve an error when opening a project.
    The information in the video is technical, so it will suit most viewers. I hope the translator will translate the information I provide well.

    How to create your own project for Windows/Linux/MacOS.

    You can watch video, where I create the game "Snake".

    But I will also describe the whole process in more detail.
    1. Create a folder next to the ZenGL folder.
    2. In the created folder, create your simple project (not LCL).
    3. You can copy the code from any of the demos (except for the first line, where the name of your program goes).
    4. You need to specify the paths for the project.
    4.1. To do this, press Ctrl + Shift + F11 (you can open it in the main window "Project -> Project Parameters...").
    4.2. Select "Paths".
    4.3. In the "Other modules (-Fu):" item, write:
    4.4. B in the "Include files (-Fi):" section, write:
    5. In the project settings, click on "Analysis" and in "Syntax mode (-M, {$MODE})" select "Delphi (-Mdelphi)" (usually there is "Object Pascal - default (-MobjFPC)").

    Also, instead of all these actions, you can create your own folder in ZenGL/demos/FPC-Lazarus, copy files from any demo example there (if you want to use ZenGL functionality, then demos from 1 to 16, or 18 for LCL) and use the "created project" for your needs (you can simply use any demo like that).

    Good luck with programming!
    You don't need to know OpenGL to use ZenGL, but if you want to use OpenGL 3+, then you need to know OpenGL.

  3. #113
    It is nice to see ZenGL is still in development.

  4. #114
    I'm glad your project is still going!

    Syntax Error Software page

    Online Chess

  5. #115
    I've never tried the Zen project but is glad to see there is pascal activity out there. Keep up the good work

  6. #116
    Thank you all for your support!

    The next updates for ZenGL, this is already version 4.13.

    Major changes:
    - for Windows, if your desktop is scaled, then when creating an application, the scaling will be taken into account.
    - fixed bugs for FPC 3.3.1.
    - added the function "scr_TestResolution" to check the existence of a resolution.
    - the following functions have been removed from the "zgl_utils.pas" module: u_IntToStr, u_StrToInt, u_FloatToStr, u_StrToFloat, u_BoolToStr, u_StrToBool and u_Sleep. Use the standard functions that come with FPC/Lazarus.
    - some changes for MacOS: now the 12th demo works, windows are created in the center of the screen.
    - font creation programs have been adjusted.
    - the code for Delphi has been adjusted (also related to scaling).
    - minor other changes, you can find out in full in the file "Update_ZenGL.txt".
    You don't need to know OpenGL to use ZenGL, but if you want to use OpenGL 3+, then you need to know OpenGL.

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