Huehnerschaender, actually I think the new version *will be* backward compatible to some degree. In fact, it comes with few tools to convert old VTDb to new format, for instance

There is a catch though: for some reason, Delphi *extremely hates* opening projects using Asphyre Pro, when you have Asphyre eXtreme installed. It says "Stream read error" and fails to load DFM file (so you have to edit it manually and remove all properties from any Asphyre components).

It may take a while to finish Asphyre eXtreme, since I'm re-writing GUI engine (AsphyreGUI) now and also writing documentation. When I got to write documentation, I realized *how many components* Asphyre has (21 in total). Only 5 are documented so far (and the simplest ones) :?