Hello Sly,

at least I did it and made a sample, which should also calculate the loading time. The result was interesting, but I don't know perhaps I did something wrong. It seems you are loading 2-3 times faster, this would be great. Have to test it with other stuff also.

First my Imagelisteditor (not looking very good now because added some stuff somewhere without care ) It has a button on the right Save filedata, with it you can load an Imagelist and then save it to your new format. I used it to convert a huge imagelist with starships.


Works very well. Then my sample to load imagelists both ways and calculte the time. It is also very interesting the transparency error I had first is not there anymore, I'll examine further. The file is very big because of the huge imagelists to test...

And please don't anybody use my starship images, most of them are for our next game. Just a sample and I needed a huge imagelist to test.

Perhaps anybody can take a look and say if my results are correct? Would be great.

