Quote Originally Posted by Crisp_N_Dry
Nice demo, I've been looking forward to playing this one since it was first announced. Love the flame effect. Are you using frame based movement since movement seems slow when zoomed out compared to when zoomed in. If not then perhaps you've got a multiplier that needs balancing. Well done on the frame rate btw, average 300fps on my Athlon 2800/1gb 400mhz/Geforce 5800. BTW, no error messages.
Yes, it uses frame dependant movement for most of input, but animations and counters are FPS independant, the game should kinda behave properly on 450 FPS without vsync, but not the cars - those still need a lot of work and slide around like ice cubes still fps independant movement isn't a top priority right now since i have other parts to take care of first. And hanks for the feedback