Hi there,

Just tried running your program at work and it won't start up here either. You must have some serious issues still in your game.

As for delphix. I find that you have to free some of the components yourself e.g.

dxsound1.free; dxwavelist1.free; etc

That works for me.

Computer that didn't work; win xp, 768 ram, fx 5200 ultra dx 9.

Computer that did work AMD 3200 with NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT


1. I hate the way that way that the car just dissapears when going under bridges and sign. Looks terrible. Why not draw a bitmap over the top of the car.

2. We all agree at work you need a quick race option.

3. Rotating of the car is not very smooth.

4. Drive to top left hand corner, turn around and drive back to start line and hey presto lap won.