Well, as written earlier, I have played your game again.

This game has come up a few times now here on PGD. I believe cairnswm made one not too long ago and I also seem to recall a version with a yellow truck, though I'm not too sure on that one.

Anyways I thought your version was done quite well. The graphics are again pretty good. They give the game a nice feeling. The music however is just plain horrible. It made me immediately look for an options panel to turn it off. Regretably such option does not appear to exist.

While playing, a few other things came to mind.
Because I had played some other versions earlier, I was expecting to catch the diamonds automatically. When this didn't happen I thought it was a bug, I then read that I had to catch them using the spacebar. I take it this was done on purpose? While this is perfectly okay, I do would like to make a note of this. Generally players tend to skip the intructions. Especially with remakes of games they already know.
Don't change things people have come accustomed to. It won't do your game any good. In this particular case it's not that big of a deal, but in your next game such a change might.

Another thing I noticed is the collision between the guy and the boulders.
The shaking of the head is a nice touch. Problem is that when there are two boulders right after eachother I loose two lives, because I can't get away on time. You really should change that.

Just as the little guy needs some time to take a breather, give the player some time too. After the guy has been hit, let all other boulders/gems fall, but don't drop any new ones. Then, either present the player with a 'press space to continue' or continue the came on itself after a few seconds.
That way the player has a bit of time to realize what has happend and prepare for the next round.

Its probably still on your list, but I'm unable to save my score.

Another minor issue is the way the boulders disappear off the screen. You should either have them break apart on the floor or let them move completely outside the viewers screen. Currently they just disappear, which seems a bit odd to me.

Aside from these issues its a nice game, a nice addition to your other projects.