Why I use Delphi? Hmmm... Let's see, well I started using VB, but it needed about 8 MB of DLLs shipped with the application and I hated that, so I started using Delphi and the end-product had no need for extra DLLs so I kept using it and became better and better and found out that you can go pretty deep/low with it and the programs run about 3 times as fast as Visual Basic too!

Now I'm learning to go deeper and deeper with Delphi, I started out placing components on my form, then I slowly started creating objects run-time, then writing my own components and now I'm using the API more and more...

So in short: It's a good language for beginners and advanced programmers and it gives you a chance to choose for yourself if you want to do it the easy or the hard way, while C++ only knows the hard way and Delphi compiled programs are not (much) slower than C++ compiled programs... so my choice is and stays Delphi! :lol: