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Thread: 2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

  1. #1

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Congrats to those who made it so far in the PGD Challenge!

    To get the PGD feedback discussions started, I'm going to post a few general hints, so teams can avoid those easily solved glitches in later stages, when there will be the most points to rack in
    For more specific feedback issues, don't hesitate to start a new thread.

    Have pity for our eyes!

    When you go full-screen, make sure to automatically use one of the higher screen refresh rates the hardware supports, or at least allow the refresh rate to be specified manually somewhere (autodetection is best, but a config file would be fine). 60Hz is only good enough for slow LCD panels, but aim for 75Hz or more for CRTs and high-end LCDs.
    Full-screen 60Hz refresh on a 19" CRT is painful, and my high-end machine is using a 19" CRT :twisted:

    Not all keyboards are QWERTY...

    Most critical for those games that use the standard 'WASD' setup... on an AZERTY keyboard, it becomes 'ZQSD'.
    Usually you can support both keyboards at the same time, without need of a keyboard configuration editor or configuration file: just react the same way to Z as you would to W, and to Q as you would to A.

    // replace
    if W_is_pressed then...
    // with
    if W_is_pressed or Z_is_pressed then...
    Installers / Uninstallers

    If you use an installer/uninstaller, do not forget the "uninstall" shortcut in the menu group (hunting for the entry in windows' add/remove dialog isn't very convenient). Also, try to make sure everything gets cleaned up at uninstallation, inluding temporary files, settings files and log files.

  2. #2
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for these opening pointers.

    Just a bit about the keyboard though... in one of the later stages, we have to provide options and such... we plan on implementing that aspect of the configuration then. Can we be sure that we won't be penalised for the keyboard issue until at least that point in the competition? I only ask because I'm really stretched time wise trying to hit Stage 4, but I do have keyboard configuration penciled in for stage 5 (IIRC).
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  3. #3

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Very good points! If you (or others) have more they'd be highly appreciated.

  4. #4

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    > Can we be sure that we won't be penalised for the keyboard issue until
    >at least that point in the competition?

    As long as goals don't involve some form of "gameplay enjoyment", keyboard isn't going to be a scoring issue, but beyond that, WASD key locations on azerty are just located weirdly enough to make controls hardly usable... I wouldn't make it a critical scoring flaw (willingly at least), but it might cause me to miss out on things, or struggle more than needs be... :?

    If other controler(s) are supported (like a gamepad, or mouse, or joystick) and keyboard is just an option amongst many, that's less of an issue.

    > I only ask because I'm really stretched time wise trying to hit Stage 4,
    > but I do have keyboard configuration penciled in for stage 5 (IIRC).

    The issue is only really there for keys that must be in a particular configuration (like WASD), and in that case, the simple code mod suggested can take care of it.
    For other keys, there is no real need for configuration (especially if you detect by virtual key codes rather than ascii characters).

  5. #5

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Eric, I tested my Config app on Devorak and Qwerty, but didn't have an Azerty to play with. Can you tell me if it worked properly or not?

    As far as an uninstaller goes, isn't this more of a preference? I personally HATE it when programs place the uninstall in the start menu group (I always end up clicking it by accident, darn fat fingers). May have installers ask if they should place it in start group would be best.

    Also, and this is a big one for me, any chance that you and the other judges would post some comments on the results pages reporting back things like invalid frame rates etc... I know you all are judges, but all feedback is helpful.

  6. #6

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    interesting tips
    i created an AZERTY layout
    but i never even heard of that before today.

    ps. if its possible, please let us know if our games crash!

  7. #7

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Eric, I tested my Config app on Devorak and Qwerty, but didn't have an Azerty to play with. Can you tell me if it worked properly or not?
    Could you point me to it? If it's in stage 3, I don't have the files yet.

    As far as an uninstaller goes, isn't this more of a preference? I personally HATE it when programs place the uninstall in the start menu group (I always end up clicking it by accident, darn fat fingers). May have installers ask if they should place it in start group would be best.
    Maybe, but I've got so many stuff in the add-remove Windows dialog that finding a particular application is a chore, and when it is (as often) classified under a different name than the startup group menu name, it usually is next to impossible to locate.
    If there is an "uninst.exe" of some kind in the application's directory, I try it, if it doesn't work, I usually just end up deleting the application's directory without further ado.

    Also, and this is a big one for me, any chance that you and the other judges would post some comments on the results pages reporting back things like invalid frame rates etc...
    Could do... now all you've got left is to pressure WILL into adding the feature to the results page.

    ps. if its possible, please let us know if our games crash!
    Starting with stage 3, I guess we could start threads to report technical glitches. In stage 2, many teams already knew about issues and warned about them in the readmes.

    Only one stage 2 entry IIRC outright crashed (on missing resources), and another's editor would very easily crash. Issues I remember in other entries were more of the missing/not working functionality kind (not surprising given how early it was in the challenge) rather than crashes or infinite loops.

  8. #8
    Legendary Member cairnswm's Avatar
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    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Should we each create a thread for our project for judges feedback?
    William Cairns
    My Games: (Currently very inactive)
    MyOnline Games: (Currently very inactive)

  9. #9

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric
    Could you point me to it? If it's in stage 3, I don't have the files yet.
    Yep its in stage 3, it was ready for stage 2 but I didn't want to include it at that point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric
    Could do... now all you've got left is to pressure WILL into adding the feature to the results page.
    Hmm... Well, pressuring WILL into anything can be challenging, but hey maby he will follow it up if the footwork is there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric
    Starting with stage 3, I guess we could start threads to report technical glitches. In stage 2, many teams already knew about issues and warned about them in the readmes.
    That would be excelent ! I know instead of a readme I placed a splash in my stage 3 entry, stage 2 there was a file, but only a very basic one.

    Hopefully mine wasn't a crasher, it never crashed on any of the hardware I tested it on and I have some old stuff to test on. Just nothing very new except my laptop .

  10. #10

    2006 PGD Annual: Challenger Stage 2 "General" feed

    > Should we each create a thread for our project for judges feedback?

    If it's just to ask if it works, it could be overkill, but if there are weird issues or complex things to be checked/tested, that might be more convenient.

    Could also be an occasion to post screenshots/movies (for all to see), as some bugs may not be obvious when you don't know how things should have looked like, or what the player/boss should have been capable of.

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