Thanks!! Looking over it now getting an idea of what to do. Could someone maybe give me a high-level overview, cause I'm not sure which order to follow. For Example

Load Mesh - .X/.DDS files ?
Free Mesh?

I'm not too up on all the graphics terms; I know what textures are, I'm guessing a mesh is the wireframe the textures are applied to. But I'm not clear on the order the functions should be called of this nature; specificly which functions relate to the .X files and which ones to the .DDS files and which ones to the .PNG textures files. Most of the functions I've seen only take a single filename, so how do the .X files relate to the .DDS and those to the textures?

Even just a list of the functions in the order they would be called would help, or reference to some code that ties all these functions together so I can see them all in action.

Anyhelp is greatly appreciated!