Sorry,.. I had forgotten about this game after I read this post at work the other day. ops:

Anyway I took it for a spin as well. I didn't have most of the problems aidave was running into, but I can't really say it was a smooth ride either.

Overall it worked pretty well. The graphics are alright, although the mixed 2d/3d style isn't really working for me. Could be a work in progress though.

As far as controls go, they're good too. Although I agree with aidave on this one. Selecting a square to move on to isn't always easy. I've had my share of misses too. Fortunately nothing too serious to loose the game or something (not even sure thats possible actually). An easy solution for this would be the use of the mouse.
The fact that you also need to confirm your melee action while there is no action possible gets a bit annoying after some time. Another issue is that's hard to see if you can move onto a square that's behind trees.

The combat worked okay for me. No slowdown in loading time or things like that. There were issues with AI though. Sometimes the enemy wouldn't move while it had good reason to (ie it stood only a square away to hit) The lizzard guy from the village was quite easy to kill too. I think he was able to hit me once, then he ran off. A turn later he realized there was no way to go to so he returned only to get shot to death by my archers.

Speaking of them, I would suspect they're not invincible either. I managed to get one killed, but after the battle he was back again. Seemed a bit odd.
At another point an archer got himself killed in just a single blow. He was infact the first one that got hit.
I also noticed that is impossible to shoot arrows at enemies that are on different levels. Archers next to enemies are unable to perform a melee action as well. I'd imagined they would be a ble to use a knife or something. Perhaps they'd do not as much damage as your main character, but still something.
At one time I managed to get an archers trapped in a corner by two enemies, and I really missed a skip turn option or at least a knife action.

The level with the wizzard (at least that is what I think it is) had the odd thing that one of my archers got hit by something unknown and dropped dead, while it was not the enemies turn.

The level with the red zombie ended the game for me as it kick me back to Windows. Nothing odd in the log btw
STATUS INFO : @ 21:46:51 MSG : move: IN : 4-6-6-7-213
STATUS INFO : @ 21:47:44 MSG : Terminating Application IN : Finalization

Some other minor things:
Your spelling is sometimes off (The lizzard's text for example).
I'm not entirely sure anymore but I though the mushroom guy said a needed to kill four of his kind, while I fact I had enough by killing just two.
The battles tend to get a bit repetitive and boring after a while. This is mainly due to the fact that your archers dont die so you can just use them as cannon fodder, while your main takes em out.
When after a battle the XP gets sorted out, archers and/or both your main character appears to float in mid air.

In all, it hink it could be a good game though. Keep it up!