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Thread: 2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

  1. #1
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Hi all,

    I've taken the time over the last couple of days to have a look at most of the competition entries... they are all pretty dam good. That said, there is one that I think should win (as IMHO it is absolutely awesome), so I got to thinking....

    As a competitor, I'd like the oppourtunity to vote for a 'Competitors Prize' or someting of that ilk to award a prize to the game I think is the best. Obviously, I think we should win ;-) In all seriousness though, heres my suggestions:-

    Each competitor gets a number of points that they can allocate to any number of entries (except their own). The one with the most points wins the competitors award.

    What does everyone else think to that kind of idea? Ultimately its down to management, but I figured I'd ask the question and see what you all thought.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  2. #2

    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Very nice idea...

    But I don't think that the competition should be changed after it already ends. The system you mention surely has its potential, but you have to take care of several things:

    - I could convince some friends to make a crappy entry and give all their points to me
    - The judgement of a competition has to be as neutral as possible. Your system is too easy to manipulate

    Thats the first things I realize thinking over it.
    In this competition, surely, I don't think it would be manipulated, because it's already over. But even if someone decides using it in the future, the above things still can occur.

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  3. #3

    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Good idea. Unfortunately we've seen only half of the entries, the rest is still for Eric and Dean's eyes only

  4. #4
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by Huehnerschaender
    Very nice idea...

    But I don't think that the competition should be changed after it already ends. The system you mention surely has its potential, but you have to take care of several things:
    I'm not suggesting it should be introduced now... I was thinking purely for future competitions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Huehnerschaender
    - I could convince some friends to make a crappy entry and give all their points to me
    - The judgement of a competition has to be as neutral as possible. Your system is too easy to manipulate

    Thats the first things I realize thinking over it.
    In this competition, surely, I don't think it would be manipulated, because it's already over. But even if someone decides using it in the future, the above things still can occur.
    I know what you're saying hon, its a shame that we have to think like that though. Unfortunately though, sportsmanship is disappearing and it does seem that more and more people will lie and cheat to win.

    Maybe there are certain criteria that could be used to allow voting. For instance in this case, only those teams who have submitted entries for all deadlines could vote, and even then, the judges would have a say as to whether or not they thought the teams submission was a valid attempt at the goals, or something like that.

    The thing is, it wouldn't have to be a huge prize. Just something to show that the other competitors recognise an entry as being their favourite. Would you cheat and lie for a mug for example?

    Like I said though, its just an idea I've been mulling over the last few days.

    And yes, the point you raise Traveller is valid too, although WILL is going to make the others available when he gets around to it, so we will get to see them eventually.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  5. #5

    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Just to clarify:

    I would never do such things! :lol: I am not in the need to lie, cheat or anything else Just wanted to mention that people COULD.
    But you are right... in cases where there are small prices I think the system is a good idea.

    When bigger prices await the winners (like here, BDS 2006) I think some people could give a damn on sportsmanship etc. unfortunately... But I would never say that I think of someone here. Just commenting the voting system and it's possibilities....

    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  6. #6

    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    I just read your post a second time and I guess now I've got the idea.

    The "competitor's award" is an additional category of award?

    If that's what you meant, yeah! Let's just do it! We don't need any prices for that. If we get access to all the entrys we can start a thread where every team can throw out a special amount on the other entrys. Why not? Would be nice to see if the result fits to the judges results

    I first thought the competitors should do the whole judgement of the competition.....
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  7. #7
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by Huehnerschaender
    When bigger prices await the winners (like here, BDS 2006) I think some people could give a damn on sportsmanship etc. unfortunately... But I would never say that I think of someone here. Just commenting the voting system and it's possibilities....
    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to win top prize, but I could never bring myself to cheat. Like you I have a conscience and morals, and it would go against everything I believe in to cheat.

    But, you are absolutely right... someone may cheat, and thats a shame. Its one of the reasons I don't play online games like Quake much these days... even when there are no prizes there appears to be a hardcore of cheaters who will do anything to win... that said, I used to get great satisfaction if I managed to kick their butts :-D

    I think alot of it is down to the ever increasing view that winning is everything. I've always believed that taking part... competing to the best of your ability is the most important thing.

    Still, we are agreed.... the idea is a good, its just policing it that could be a problem.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  8. #8
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    I applaud your idea Christina. :thumbup:

    It's something to discuss for next year's competition. Don't know if I'll be in on that meeting/chat, but who knows. Only thing I do know is that it'll be based off of some gameplay element, going with the theme of the PGD Annual brand that is somewhat established right now.

    As for cheating, yeah... thats how this stuff goes. I can't count the amount of people trying to create bogus accounts with the competition scripts. Someone actually tried to spam the competition system! :lol: All that did was piss me off as I had to remove all the darn records for the 'fake' team(s). :?

    :idea: Hmm... maybe a game where you HAVE TO cheat would become popular... :think: Kind of like a Hacker/Cyberpunk wars type of game. *shrug*
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  9. #9

    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    Great idea there, Athena. And now I'm sorta worried folks, just look at what you got WILL into thinking... :roll: :lol:

  10. #10

    2006 PGD Annual: Competition Suggestion

    what about a thread with a poll in it :?:
    people could vote
    the game with the most votes gets a "Most Popular" mug


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