Hi Robert,

All I can say is, its free to play... why not sign up and give it a go. If you don't like it delete your account, or just don't log into it for 30 days and the system will delete it anyway due to inactivity.

One of the common complaints with this type of game is the amount of time people have to spend playing, we've addressed this by including queues (we were, as far as we're aware, one of the first games to do this), so you can queue up another 3 items to fill the time when you can't play. The system offers you no protection from attacks though, so you should really check your account occassionally throughout the day, but making friends in your quadrant helps... get on well with your quadmates and they'll probably help by defending your planet.

Unfortunately, its not attracting too many people, and tbh, the only people who have really played it before (from the looks of the signups so far) are staff and we won't be attacking other players unless of course they attack us first ;-) So don't worry too much about being attacked by a very experienced player becauses theres not that many people who have played it before.

My advice to you (or anyone who signs up) would be... download the graphics pack of your choice (we have red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple) and install it as per the instructions in game... have a good read of the quick start guide... decide on what you want to achieve first (a good starting point is Mass Extraction) and get busy :-) Don't worry about being attacked for a while at least, as when you get a new planet its protected against attacks... your homeworld cannot be invaded so you can never lose it and it is protected for a much longer period of time.

As I said... sign up and give it a go... it costs nothing to try it.