I don't know if i understood your question correctly. Do you want to know how to create a texture from your rgb array or do you want to know how to create these arrays? I guess both...

However, I don't know of a ready-to-use solution but it shouldn't be too hard do code it yourself...

I'd suggest you work with your own file format wich contains all the image-data you need. You could use a format like this:
First there is a header wich holds some general information and the amount of stored images.
Then follows information about every stored image. the name, the size in width and height and how many bytes the imagedata takes. You could also add information about the format if you want to support different types of images.
After these follows the Image-Data.

Let's say you want to load the 5th image with a filestream you'll do the following.
- read the header (aStream.Read(YourHeader,sizeOf(YourHeader));
- check the header for the number of stored images.
- read the image information of every image.
Now the byte data follows. you can calculate the position of the 5th image by summing up the size of the header, the size of all the image-information and size of the four images you want to skip. You set the Streams position to the just calculated position of your image. And are ready to ...
- Read the Image into a buffer (for example an array with the correct length).
- Now you can make a texture of it - similar to what you would do with a bmp you've loaded from file.
It's basically a call of glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, Width, Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pData);
with pData beeing a pointer to the buffer and width height beeing the size of your image.

To put a bunch of bmp's or whatever into your file you'd need to write your own converter. It shouldn't be to hard as you've nothing more to do than creating the header and the information-structures of all contained images and saving these together with the image data (rgb-arrays) into the file. (Using a file-stream)

This has been just a raw overview about how you could do it... hope it helps.
