Quote Originally Posted by Ingemar
(Any suggestions?)
Give the guy a swift kick in the arse and tell him not to be lazy? :lol: Oh wait, maybe not what you meant huh?

IMHO RedHat sucks the big one! I'm serious though. Feldora Core is the result of the RedHat company --which Linus worked for for a time, btw-- trying to be all commercial like Microsoft. Linux and Microsoft are not good combinations. Hence the mess that is RedHat. Sure it's stable, great... but it's like some half breed thing that it's quite with the GNU standard anymore.

I recommend Debian, but thats me. It's like Slackware, but with a really dependable(the best out of all of them!) packaging system and it conforms to ALL the Linux standards. Plus it does a rather good job of keeping up to date with all the major things like Apache, PHP, mysql, gimp, kde, etc, etc...

If he *needs* a reason to install it, tell him it's a part of your course material and it is *required* for you to use in your classes. If you can pull that off with the head of your department, then I think you're set.