In my opinion, the intention of this competition was to write a game engine, which is capable of many features like levels, enemy classes, boss classes, menu classes etc. so that the competitors have a fundament to make a complete game out of it.

If the endboss was worth so much for the compo, then there should have been some additional judgement criterias like:

- innovative kind of boss
- how complex is it
- do you need special tactics to finish it
- does it use a special kind of AI
- etc
- etc
- etc

But all we can read is:

Goal #8 (2.5 Points) - Add and design The Big Boss at the end of your game that is tougher than the mini-bosses.

Tougher..... that could e.g. mean: It has more life points... thats it...

Of course, anyone who wanted (and had the time) to design an endboss, tried to create something that looks more powerful than the minibosses or general enemys. But except of this Goal #8, the endboss is mentioned in no way as being a part of judgement.

Just my thoughts... I have my endboss and I made it more powerful than my other enemys, it uses his own AI and it uses several bossparts, so I don't have to be frightened or something from boss-judgement. I just want to mention how I interpreted the goals and judgement criterias during the competition. The endboss was the last thing on my todo-list, because I really thought (and I still do so) that the endboss is only worth 2.5 points per judge.
