Thanks. To be perfectly honest, I'm just learning SDL now. My whole overall goal is to write a simple, low-weighted gui unit for my personal projects. I need primitives for drawing components in case tileset that includes graphics (like arrows etc.) is not found. Unit, using written in patterns, would draw a new nice tileset then.

The problem is that I know only SDL's basics, and that sucks cause I don't know too much about diffrences between sdlutils/sdli386utils/sdl_gfx, font units etc. I'm trying to pay my attention now, because I don't want to make mistakes at the beggining point.

So, maybe you could inform me what to choose? This gui will be used rather for games/editors in the future. What I plan is:

* drawing buttons/textfields etc from tileset
* using fast primitives
* optionally sound effects (onClick etc.)
* mouse/keyboard controll ofcourse
* drawing to SDL_Surface and/or a certain gui window

I hope that I'll learn SDL and it's units effectivly this way