Quote Originally Posted by Huehnerschaender
I think this can be done easyly... question is, if it brings a better gameplay... I really don't know. What do the others think?
Well my list of pros would be:

- when heading back for those left behind (and sometimes very needed) repair kits, it takes such a long time to go back and forth, it would kinda help to speed things up a tad.

- it adds a touch of realisim in that the player will actually seek the roads when traveling instead of just driving 'whereever', because it wouldn't matter otherwise.

- adds tactical more tactical choices in the game. "Do I follow the road, which will be faster? Or do I try to play it safe and go around through the mud? And if I get caught while in the mud, what are the odds that I'll be ambushed?"

- it's sort of the purpose of having a paved road (noone would actually pave roads if they didn't actually help vehicles get around. cosidering the real life cost/maintenance of roads, thats expensive 'eye-candy' )

- it's not a really hard thing to impliment

my list of cons include:

- it might take a bit of time to impliment

- tweeking settings will be required

- players might not like the idea and get a bit fustrated.

- if the speed/ manuverability settings make it too much of a difference it could reverse the effect of being a handy enhancement and a hinderance...

My idea of a difference between road vs. dirt/grass/mud movements might be the initial starting acceleration would be higher... as there is more traction on a road. you might be able to 'get going' a bit quicker so that you can avoid stuff easier...

It's one of those ideas that can go either way I guess. :?