Can someone tell me how to dial a number with the PCI modem installed in a computer with Delphi?
And also for external Modems?
Please help me...
Thank you.
Can someone tell me how to dial a number with the PCI modem installed in a computer with Delphi?
And also for external Modems?
Please help me...
Thank you.
<br />
<br />Please join: http://holzstukka.proboards81.com
Async Pro from Turbo Power. http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpapro
Of course Turbo Power doesn't exist any more but its still the best package I ever used for TAPI communications (modem).
- Jeremy
synapse is a very nice lib - http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/
<br />d s-- : a24 GB GCS GTW GE C++ P L+ W++ N+ K- w++++ M- PS+ PE+ Y- t+ 5+++ X+ R*
<br />tv b+ DI++ D+ e++ h+ G-
<br />END GEEK CODE BLOCK[/size]
<br />Create your own GeekCode block at: <a href="">...</a>
Thank you.
I tried Async Pro and it doesn't work
I followed the instructions and it just said "This cannot be installed because it is not a design time package."
I need something that will enable me to dial a telephone number with the modem.
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<br />Please join: http://holzstukka.proboards81.com
You are trying to install the wrong package. You do a build of the _r packages and install the _d packages (unless something has changed). Either way try to install one, if it doesn't work then install the other
Once you get it installed, there should be a sample terminal application that you can look at.
As mentioned Synapse does have some support for TAPI with modems, but I don't think it supports the actual control of dialing the modem.
- Jeremy
Cool!, it works now.
Thank you!
Now I can finally get about my system manipulator.
<br />
<br />Please join: http://holzstukka.proboards81.com
I have another question.
How would I make it okay a wave or mp3 through the modem...meaning...
I want the program to call someone, then play an audio file that they will hear when they answer the phone, how do I do this?
<br />
<br />Please join: http://holzstukka.proboards81.com
Your past what I know about the subject. Try posting to the SF group and asking there. Also search for Async and MP3, it might turn something up (personally tamaracka.com is one of my favorite search engines for this type of thing).
- Jeremy